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Louisiana Federation of 
business & PROFESSIONAL women

Louisiana Federation of 
business & PROFESSIONAL wom
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Young Careerist® Program

The Virginia Allen Young Careerist® Program provides training, leadership, and professional development skills for working women 21-35 years of age. The program offers unique learning opportunities for personal and professional growth and leadership experiences through participation in workshops on:

  • Networking
  • Mentoring
  • Interviewing
  • Preparing Presentations
  • Public Speaking
  • Professional Image

Each YC participant is also partnered with a mentor to assist her in preparation to do her very best. It is an opportunity for visibility in the media for the candidate and her employer. In addition, it is an opportunity to meet and network with other young women in the same stage of their careers and great for a resume!

Do you know of a young business and professional woman that could benefit from this program? For a minimal time investment, a young business and professional woman can grow personally and professionally and develop workplace-related skills.

A participant in this program does not have to be a BPW member. The participant is offered 4 separate face-to-face professional development sessions; sessions will be held in the Monroe and New Orleans areas. Virtual sessions will also be available as needed

-  Mentoring and Networking
-  Interviewing

Preparing Presentations and Public Speaking
-  Your Image as a Leader

-  Workplace Do's and Dont's

The Louisiana Young Careerist® winner is usually selected at the BPW Louisiana State Conference in  June, based on panel judging in categories including a speech, personal interview, and a biographical sketch with essay questions.

All Young Careerist® candidates are introduced to the conference body during the Young Careerist® program. The winning candidate will receive reimbursement of State Conference registration, meals, and shared hotel room expenses, as well as a full one-year membership in Louisiana Business and Professional Women.

                  For more information, contact 
Doretha Bennett at
                       318-805-3948 or




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